Seriously improving media sales performance results for over 30 years.
Many advertising salespeople we talk with are facing a very challenging sales arena:
- Missing sales targets
- Reduction in their commission each month
- Higher demand and pressure from their companies to achieve
- Not sure how to achieve the above
- Achieving higher yields in a low yielding marketplace
Are you feeling the same pain?
They are asking
“Can you help? – we need you”
The good news is, that we are working with salespeople, like you, about fixing their sales process –where they can get 2-3 new deals within the first week and reduce the number of objections they get by 53.5%. And we will for you as well.
Not for everyone – it’s not right for you if
- You are OK with your sales income.
- Have small goals personally.
- If you think your process is the best, it can be.
And actually, you won’t make it past the first hour with us – no hard feelings, just telling the truth.